Author: Mike Kocsis
Low Libido in Men: Common Causes and Available Solutions
The interest in sex, also called libido, generally decreases with age in men. In a recent study, researchers collected data from more than 12,000 45-year-old men. They found that 1 in 20 men had a low interest in sexual activity. It is okay not to have an interest in sex from time to time, but […]
Does Low Testosterone Increase Your Risk of Severe Covid?
Recent studies show that Covid affects men more severely than women. A 2020 study found that the rate of men dying due to Covid is 2.4 times more than the rate of women dying due to the same illness. Initially, it was believed that one of the reasons behind it might be the hormonal differences […]
Reasons to Use hCG with TRT
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone found in both men and women in small amounts. Its normal serum concentration is below 5 mIU/mL in non-pregnant women and 2 mIU/mL in men. It is also known as the “pregnancy hormone” because of its role in maintaining pregnancy. Levels of hCG increase within 10 days of […]
What Exactly is Male Menopause?
Both men and women experience hormonal changes as they age. Women see a sudden drop in their sex hormone level, while men experience a gradual decline. Some doctors are seeing older men experience the same symptoms as women going through perimenopause and menopause and are beginning to question whether men also experience menopause due to […]
The Connection between Testosterone Deficiency and Erectile Dysfunction
It’s common among men to occasionally have trouble achieving an erection when stressed, drinking excessively, smoking etc. But, if this problem persists and you experience trouble gaining an erection more than 50% of the time, you may have erectile dysfunction and need proper treatment. Erectile dysfunction, abbreviated as ED, is a sex condition in men […]
All You Need to Know about Testosterone Blood Tests
Testosterone is a male sex hormone, but women also produce it in smaller amounts compared to men. Having too much or too little testosterone can cause serious health problems in both men and women. In men, it is responsible for developing secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair appearance, deep voice tone, increase in muscle […]
Talking to Your Doctor about Low Testosterone
Testosterone is an essential hormone required to live a normal, healthy life. Testosterone deficiency can negatively affect your mental, physical, and emotional health. Different factors such as age, weight, diet, and health conditions can contribute to low testosterone. According to a survey, 40% of men who are 40 or above suffer from low testosterone. Another […]
Debunking Myths about Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a popular treatment option used to increase testosterone levels. When doing online research on this treatment, you may find many myths and misconceptions about it, which may confuse you about whether to have it or not. That is why it is important to correct your knowledge by getting information only from […]
Testosterone Creams and Gels
Testosterone creams and gels are popular forms of testosterone medication prescribed to men who have low testosterone levels. There are other forms of testosterone medication, such as injections, but many people prefer testosterone gels and creams because they are easier to use and apply than injections. If you are considering these forms of testosterone medication but […]
Can you do TRT during Ramadan?
Caveat to any advice is there may be differences of opinion amongst the different schools of jurisprudence. Therefore, we advise people to refer to scholars of their choosing for their specific cases. There is consensus however that injections, specifically subcutaneous and intramuscular, and transdermal preparations do not invalidate the fast as they offer no nutritional […]
Effect of Low Testosterone on Memory and Brain Health
We all experience moments in life when we forget to do something that we planned earlier or forget where we placed an important item. Well, these situations may seem frustrating, but they are a normal part of life. But when you start forgetting about things and important matters more frequently, you may have an underlying […]
Medication To Increase Testosterone
Testosterone is the main sex hormone that is important for sexual function and overall health in men. Men experience fluctuation in their testosterone levels throughout their lives. Some men develop a health condition called hypogonadism, during which gonads fail to produce testosterone in sufficient amounts. Its symptoms include lack of energy, change in mood, trouble […]