What Are Normal Estrogen Levels in Men and Women? - Balance My Hormones TRT in the UK

What Are Normal Estrogen Levels in Men and Women?

What Are Normal Estrogen Levels in Men and Women?

By Mike Kocsis | 10 minutes read | Last updated: August 6, 2021   Categories:   Men's Health Oestrogen Women's Health

Medically Reviewed by Dr. George Touliatos

Evidence Based Research

Estrogen is a sex hormone that is produced in both men and women. It is involved in various important functions in the body that is why it is crucial to maintain normal levels of estrogen to enjoy a healthy life. However, its levels do change with age which is totally normal and natural.

In this article, we have thoroughly explained what normal levels of estrogen look like in both men and women. We have also highlighted some other points like symptoms of high estrogen, symptoms of low estrogen, and the best treatment for low estrogen.

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What is estrogen?

Estrogen is one of the female sex hormones. It plays several important roles in the body, including the development of secondary sex characteristics such as breast growth, the release of the egg from ovaries, the development of hair in the pubic area etc. As testosterone is a male sex hormone but females still produce it, estrogen is also produced in men but in smaller amounts.

It has three types – estrone, estradiol, and estriol. Estrone is produced in the body after menses. Your body can easily convert it into other forms of estrogen. Estradiol is the most common form of estrogen that women produce throughout their reproductive years. Estriol is mainly produced during pregnancy. Its levels increase just before childbirth.

Women produce estrogen throughout their life, but its levels keep fluctuating with the menstrual cycle and other phases of life (pregnancy etc.). It has sexual roles in both men and women.

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What does estrogen do to a woman?

As mentioned earlier, estrogen is a female sex hormone. So, it is mainly used for the:

  • Development of secondary sex characteristics
  • Regulation of menstrual cycle
  • Growth of egg follicles
  • Maintenance of vaginal wall thickness
  • Development of lubrication
  • Regulation of uterine mucus secretions
  • Formation of breast tissues
  • Prevention of milk flow during weaning

In addition to these roles, it also affects bone health, blood vessels, skin, brain, and hair in women.

What does estrogen do to a man?

Estrogen is involved in maintaining various sexual functions in men throughout their lives. Even though testosterone is the key sex hormone in men, it is important to maintain a balance between testosterone and estrogen in men for the normal performance of testosterone. In men, testosterone can also be changed into estrogen when the need arises. The main functions of estrogen in men are:

  • Production of normal sperm count
  • Ability to develop an erection
  • Regulation of sex drive
  • Maintenance of testicular function

In men, the levels of testosterone decrease with age but the levels of estrogen increase. It is a natural process and does not cause any adverse effects.


What are normal estrogen levels in women?

Estrogen levels change in women with age. They decline the most after menopause. According to the Mayo Medical Labs, the normal levels of estradiol and estrone in women are:

Life phase Estradiol Estrone
Before pubertyUndetectable – 20pg/mlUndetectable – 29 pg/mL
During pubertyUndetectable – 350 pg/ml10 – 200 pg/mL
Before menopause15 – 350 pg/ml17 – 200 pg/mL
During and after menopauseLess than 10 pg/ml7 – 40 pg/mL


What are normal estrogen levels in men?

Unlike women, estrogen levels in men increase with age. According to the Mayo Medical Labs, the normal levels of estrone and estradiol in men are:

Life phase Estradiol Estrone
Before pubertyUndetectable – 13 pg/mlUndetectable – 16 pg/ml
During pubertyUndetectable – 40 pg/mlUndetectable – 60 pg/ml
Adult man10 – 40 pg/ml10 – 60 pg/ml

What causes fluctuation in estrogen levels?

In women, estrogen levels decrease with age, and in women, they usually increase with age. This is a natural process. However, some other factors can cause a change in estrogen concentration before age.

In women, estrogen levels may change due to pregnancy failure, extreme exercise, eating disorders, menopause, development of a disease like hypogonadism and hypopituitarism, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and removal of ovaries.

In men, fluctuation in the levels of estrogen may occur due to diabetes, obesity, underactive pituitary gland, extreme dieting, extreme exercise, the use of medications that block estrogen release, puberty, and older age.

A little fluctuation in concentration does not produce noticeable symptoms. However, extreme fluctuation can induce negative changes in the physical and mental health of both men and women.


What happens when estrogen levels are high?

In women

When estrogen levels are higher than normal levels, then a woman may experience the following symptoms.

  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Weight loss
  • Breast swelling
  • Bloating
  • Formation of lumps in the breasts
  • Irregular periods
  • Low sex drive
  • Mood swings
  • Hair loss
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeplessness
  • Headaches


In men

As described earlier, it is important for the sexual health of men that they have a balance between estrogen and testosterone. When these hormones get imbalanced due to the increased production of estrogen, then the following symptoms appear.


What happens when estrogen levels are low?

In women

Women notice the following symptoms when they produce low estrogen.

  • Lack of vaginal lubrication that leads to painful sex
  • Mood swings
  • Absent periods
  • Tiredness
  • Headaches
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Difficulty in concentrating

In men

Low estrogen is not very common in men. However, if it happens, men experience the following symptoms.

  • Low sex drive
  • Loss of bone mass
  • Accumulation of fats around the belly


How to diagnose high or low estrogen levels?

The symptoms mentioned above are the indicators of high/low estrogen. However, you cannot diagnose this issue based on only these symptoms. To identify high/low estrogen, your doctor may ask you about your family history of hormonal imbalance. He may then ask you what symptoms you have noticed so far. After that, he will take a blood sample and send it to the lab, where the concentration of estrogen in your blood will be detected and compared with the normal concentration.

After getting blood tests, your doctor will tell you which low estrogen treatment options you have and which is the best option according to your condition.

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The effects of imbalanced estrogen levels: A scientific perspective


In women:

1. Study on Estrogen Imbalance in Women

By Khosla S, Oursler MJ, Monroe DG. Journal: Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 2012.


Khosla S et al explored the role of estrogen and estrogen receptors in bone health and the development of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. They reviewed clinical trials of women who had undergone estrogen replacement therapy, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), and placebo.


  • Estrogen plays a critical role in maintaining bone density.
  • Postmenopausal estrogen deficiency is a significant risk factor for osteoporosis and fractures.
  • Estrogen replacement therapy can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.


2. Study on Estrogen and Cardiovascular Health in Women

By Mendelsohn ME, Karas RH. Journal: The New England Journal of Medicine, 1999.

Mendelsohn et al investigated the relationship between estrogen and cardiovascular disease in women. They measured the cholesterol levels and blood pressure of pre/postmenopausal women who were receiving estrogen replacement therapy.


  • Estrogen has a protective effect on cardiovascular health in premenopausal women.
  • The decline in estrogen levels post-menopause is associated with increased cardiovascular risk.
  • Estrogen replacement therapy may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women, but the benefits must be weighed against potential risks.


In men:

1. Study on Estrogen Imbalance in Men

By Finkelstein JS, Lee H, Burnett-Bowie SM, Pallais JC, Yu EW, Borges LF, Jones BF, Barry CV, Wulczyn KE, Thomas BJ, Leder BZ. Journal: The New England Journal of Medicine, 2013.

Finkelstein (2013) et al looked at the role of estrogen in men and its impact on sexual function and health in ageing males. They conducted a randomised controlled trial on 400 healthy men aged 20-50. The men were assigned to receive testosterone gel, testosterone gel plus anastrozole (to block estrogen conversion), or placebo. They measured their sexual function, physical function, serum hormone levels, and body composition over a 16-week period.


  • Estrogen deficiency was associated with increased body fat and decreased sexual function.
  • Both testosterone and estrogen are crucial for maintaining sexual function and body composition in men.



How to increase estrogen levels?

Many women experience low estrogen with age. It causes various symptoms and affects life in different ways. If you are diagnosed with low estrogen, then worry not. There are many treatment options available that can help you to regain your estrogen again.

It is best to first try the natural ways to increase estrogen levels. If these ways fail to produce significant results, then you should choose other treatment options. Before choosing any treatment, it is advised to discuss its advantages and disadvantages with your doctor.

How to increase estrogen naturally?

Eat estrogen-boosting foods

One of the best ways of increasing estrogen levels naturally is by eating foods that boost its level in the body. Popular examples of estrogen-boosting foods are flax seeds, soybeans, sesame seeds, berries, peaches, dried fruits, garlic and wheat bran.

Take supplements

Supplements like vitamin D supplements and vitamin B supplements are also very helpful in boosting estrogen levels. However, if you are taking any other medications, you should first talk to your doctor before taking these supplements. This is because these supplements may react with the ingredients of medications that you are already taking.

Maintain a healthy body weight

Gaining excessive body weight can also result in the reduction of estrogen levels. Therefore, do exercise regularly in moderation and stay active to maintain your body weight.

Avoid exercising in excess

Extreme exercise can cause a reduction in estrogen levels. Our bodies are designed to produce more stress hormones under such situations. And when more stress hormones are produced, a decline in the levels of other hormones like estrogen occurs.

Reduce stress

Prolonged stress and lack of sleep can cause fluctuation in your hormone levels. Therefore, try to reduce your stress level and sleep at least 8 hours at night.

What are the other effective ways of increasing estrogen?

One of the most popular treatments for increasing estrogen levels is hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Hormone replacement therapy is an effective treatment in which you are given FDA-approved bio-identical estrogen in different forms such as pills, injections, patches, etc. This treatment helps in regaining normal estrogen levels. If you are low on progesterone (another female sex hormone), then you will be given a combination of progesterone and estrogen, but if you need only estrogen, then you will be given only estrogen.

So far, hormone replacement therapy has helped many women to restore their estrogen levels and feel healthy again. It has also helped many menopausal women to reduce the symptoms of menopause. Even though this treatment is very beneficial, it still has some side effects. It is better to first identify the side effects and benefits of this treatment before you choose it to increase your estrogen.


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Estrogen is a sex or reproductive hormone that is involved in many sex functions in both men and women. Maintaining estrogen’s normal levels in the body is important for healthy living. A decrease or increase in estrogen can produce different symptoms. If you are low or high in estrogen, then ask your doctor about different treatment options before choosing one. Women deficient in estrogen are often recommended hormone replacement therapy. It is an effective method of increasing estrogen levels to normal.

If you are concerned that you may have low or high estrogen levels, it is important to seek professional advice. Our specialised doctors can review your symptoms and provide expert guidance on the best course of action. By consulting with experienced healthcare professionals, you can receive a comprehensive evaluation and personalised treatment plan to address any hormonal imbalances effectively. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Balance My Hormones for a thorough assessment and to explore your treatment options.

References, Sources, Study Material and Scientific Evidence

Testosterone & Estrogen in Women: High vs. Low vs. Normal Levels (webmd.com)

Estrogen’s Effects on the Female Body – Health Encyclopedia – University of Rochester Medical Center

Quality of life and menopause: the role of estrogen – PubMed (nih.gov)

Estrogen Hormone Therapy: 4 Types to Choose From (webmd.com)

Estrogen and Progestin (Hormone Replacement Therapy): MedlinePlus Drug Information

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This article has been researched and written based on scientific evidence and fact sheets that have then been crossed checked by our team of doctors and subject matter experts.

References, sources and studies used alongside our own in-house research have been cited below, most of which contain external clickable links to reviewed scientific paper that contain date stamped evidence.

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Low Testosterone Levels

You may have low testosterone depending on the symptoms you have, please contact us to find out how we can help.

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The Total Testosterone Level You Entered Is Incorrect. Figure Must be in nmol/L you can use our converter here.

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Normal Testosterone Levels

Your testosterone levels appear to be in the normal range.

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You must be over 38, have had your ovaries removed or have suffered with premature menopause to warrant further hormone tests.

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Further investigation needed

Please contact us to discuss your hormones, we need your total testosterone levels to validate your hormone deficiency. You can order a blood test here.

Take our ADAMS low testosterone questionnaire.

Low Testosterone Levels

You may have low testosterone depending on the symptoms you have, please contact us to find out how we can help.

Take our ADAMS low testosterone questionnaire.

High Testosterone Levels

You appear to have higher than normal testosterone levels, please contact us for further investigation.

Take our ADAMS low testosterone questionnaire.

Normal Testosterone Levels

You appear to have normal testosterone levels. Contact us if you have any concerns.

Take our ADAMS low testosterone questionnaire.

About the Author: Mike Kocsis

Mike KocsisMike Kocsis has an MBA with a focus on healthcare administration and is an entrepreneur and medical case manager for Balance My Hormones Ltd which offers medical services in the UK and Europe. Mike has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare sector, much of that working with people who have hormone imbalances. Mike has appeared on podcasts and radio and is an expert speaker on the subject of hormone imbalance. He specialises in Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and has helped thousands of people suffering from hormone imbalances recover and regain control of their lives. You can follow him on LinkedIn and on the Balance My Hormones YouTube Channel.

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Last update: August 6th, 2021

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Balance My Hormones helps men and women restore their hormones to optimal levels through bespoke TRT and HRT treatment plans. We use modern American treatment methods and have over 25 years of experience in hormonal health which is backed up by our very own GPhC pharmacy.

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