The testosterone unit conversion is a useful tool for those discussing SI units or conventional units.
Our testosterone unit conversion tool is below, you may also be interested in our free testosterone calculator tool.
In the world there are many countries like the UK, the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries that use the SI (system international) units which for testosterone is in the form nmol/l or nanomole per litre. Other countries like Belgium and the USA use conventional or traditional units represented by ng/dl or nanogram per decilitre.
Many studies measuring testosterone originate in the USA. will refer to testosterone levels as measured in ng/dl. Whilst in the UK Testosterone levels are measured in nmol/L. We offer a convenient tool to help convert from US conventional units to SI units in the UK or vice versa.
Is one type testosterone unit measurement better for testosterone than the other?
Either unit of measure is fine, and having the converter tool makes it easy for you to convert from one to the other.
It’s important to understand what is being measured and how it’s measured when discussing clinical manifestations of Testosterone Deficiency.
Total Testosterone is measured in the morning for a male with an intact pituitary.
Levels above 500ng/dl or 17.3358 nmol/L is considered optimal.
A Free testosterone above 0.35 nmol/L is also in the optimal range.
It’s important to put it in context as simple cut-offs for determining treatment are deemed as cruel and based on rationing of healthcare and fail to put the patient’s health above saving the state healthcare systems or insurance company money.
You can use our testosterone units tool below
nmol/L to ng/dl
nmol/L to ng/ml