Before and After TRT Pictures and Photos - Balance My Hormones TRT in the UK

Before and After TRT Pictures

TRT before and after pictures below of Balance My Hormones customers. Our customers express their health improvements through accurate reviews and photos that showcase their physical improvements. All of these individuals qualified for TRT and were suffering from a range of both physical and mental health issues. TRT is designed to help people regain control of their health and contribute in fixing medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, ED, depression, brain fog any many other serious health conditions and will only be offered to customers who meet strict criteria.

Now I have lots of energy and my mood swings are completely gone.


In the first picture I was depressed, bad sleep, mood swings, low energy and had lots of brain fog. It had a negative effect on me and even my relationship. Even though I worked out with weights I had a really hard time to gain some muscle or find any benefits from the gym.

The second picture is me 1.5 -2 years later while I’m on TRT. Now I have lots of energy and my mood swings are completely gone. I don’t suffer from brain fog anymore and all the people that think that testosterone makes you ‘aggressive’ well it made me more calm. I feel more like myself now than I ever did. I really want to thank the BMH team for helping me get my life back. Hopefully I can be with BMH forever because you guys really do a great job!

Kenneth before and after TRT photos

Kenneth before TRT

Kenneth before TRT


I would highly recommend Balance My Hormones…

Just over a year ago I had serious issues.

I didn’t feel myself.

I felt tired all the time, I couldn’t focus on my work, even the simplest of tasks I struggled to complete, I was irritable a lot of the time and my libido was at an all time low.

I spoke to a friend of mine and he had similar issues a couple of years earlier.

“Maybe you have a hormone imbalance? I had issues because my testosterone levels, and especially my free testosterone level, where very low.”

So I went to see my doctor and explained my problem.

To cut a long story short, I had blood tests and they showed that I was within range and therefore there was nothing he could do to help me.

What I didn’t realise at the time was that within range meant the levels you should experience when you’re over 50, which, probably because when we first arrived on this earth over 200,000 years ago, we weren’t designed to live any longer than 30 or 40 years old.

Men’s testosterone levels drop from the age of around 30 and by the time we’re in our 50’s we have issues.

So I did a bit of research and stumbled upon a company called Balance My Hormones. I requested a call and very quickly after spoke to Sam.

Having been though the same issue I had, Sam understood exactly what I was experiencing and even mentioned issues I’d forgotten about.

Everything happened very quickly from then on.

I had the blood tests that Sam put forward and within a week he confirmed that although my levels were within range they were on the low side and symptomatic with my condition.

We started TRT pretty much straight away and within a month I felt improvements in my health and wellbeing.

The brain fog started to lift, I felt good in myself and more positive and my libido increased.

Over a year on and after a bit of balancing, I feel amazing.

Although I would recommend TRT to almost everyone over 50, this condition can affect people much younger, probably caused by excessive stress.

I would highly recommend Balance My Hormones, they have literally saved me from a life my doctors described as “preparing yourself for your final years.”

Mo before TRT photo

Mo before TRT

Mo After TRT photo

Mo after TRT


Get in touch with BMH and start to live a great life…


I initially contacted BMH after the NHS had refused to treat me for low testosterone.

I’d been struggling for a couple of years both physically and mentally. I struggled to hold a relationship down as I simply didnt have the sexual urges I once had and as soon as any problems arose I simply couldnt be bothered working through them.

I’d also been struggling in the gym. I was a personal trainer by trade. The muscular body I once had, started to soften and weight was accumulating around my waist, it didnt matter what type of diet i had or the training regime i implemented my body simply deteriorated.

I put it down to a man in his 40s past his prime.

Reaching out to BMH has been the best decision I have ever made.

I’m a million miles from the person I was before working with BMH. I certainly have an extra spring in my step.

My energy levels are much better now, my sex drive is significantly improved and my body fat levels have significantly lowered.

I’ve attached 3 photographs far left, starting with BMH, middle 6months, right 12months.

Training and food have not altered during this time, if any thing I relax more of a weekend now and the results speak for them selves.

If you feel like your best days are behind you. Get in touch with BMH and start to live a great life.

Keith before and after TRT photos

Keith before and after TRT


Being on TRT has made me stronger and happier…

I’ve been on TRT since July 2018 with Balance My Hormones.  I went on TRT because for the previous few years I had struggled a lot with confidence, almost falling asleep several times at work during the afternoon, struggling to find focus in my life and also at the gym and lost interest in everything.  I had always worked out, I’d never drank and I’d always eaten relatively healthily, plenty of calories and running regularly and still felt nothing but tired out and physically and mentally drained.  I then tried going back to lifting weights, something I had always enjoyed but still struggled with motivation and my body was constantly sore, felt like I was pushing myself to just stand still which is when I went to the doctor for a blood test which came back as low testosterone, a second blood test confirmed it which I had with Balance My Hormones who put me on TRT.

Since being with Balance My Hormones and being on TRT, I’ve felt a lot more confident in my daily life, always have the energy, both mentally and physically, to get a good work out in, even at the end of a long day at work.  I feel a lot more relaxed and things that used to stress me out before, I feel less stressed and more confident that I can deal with now.  Strength wise, I started to feel the difference in the gym and it felt great to no longer feel like I was treading water, noticing gains both in appearance and strength.  At the beginning of 2019, after 9 months of being on TRT, I felt the confidence to start competing in powerlifting, something I had always wanted to one day do but thought I would never of had the strength to do and since then, everything has been going great and I feel like I did when I was 16.

Being on TRT has not just made me stronger, it’s made me happier.

Just some numbers.  July 2018 when I started TRT, I was 223lbs and 15.35% body fat.  2 months later in September, I was 232lbs and 13.8% bodyfat.  Nothing changed with my diet or my training, things just started falling into place.

Simon Before TRT Photo

Before TRT

Simon After TRT Photo

After TRT


I would happily recommend your services to anyone suitable…

Your service and follow up has been exemplary, so much so I have recommended your services to my brother. I would happily recommend your services to anyone suitable. I certainly have a lot more energy and my brain doesn’t seem quite as “foggy”.


Over the moon with the service received…

I am over the moon with the service I have received from Mike, Daisy, Lauren and the rest of the fantastic team at BMH. They have really taken care of me and my testosterone replacement therapy over the last year. As a previous NHS patient for my testosterone replacement therapy, the difference is worlds apart switching over to BMH, where every single detail is genuinely looked after and taken care of. I have now started a testosterone cream which I couldn’t be more happier with and I look forward to growing my relationship with the team and continuing my treatment into the future.


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With Balance My Hormones.

Evidence based
research backed
hormone optimization

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Balance My Hormones helps men and women restore their hormones to optimal levels through bespoke TRT and HRT treatment plans. We use modern American treatment methods and have over 25 years of experience in hormonal health which is backed up by our very own GPhC pharmacy.

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