Balance My Hormones Testimonials and Reviews - Balance My Hormones TRT in the UK


TRT before and after pictures below of Balance My Hormones customers. Our customers express their health improvements through accurate reviews and photos that showcase their physical improvements. All of these individuals qualified for TRT and were suffering from a range of both physical and mental health issues. TRT is designed to help people regain control of their health and contribute in fixing medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, ED, depression, brain fog any many other serious health conditions and will only be offered to customers who meet strict criteria.


Dan’s Story

Dan is the Client Relations Manager at Balance My Hormones. He has a strong customer service background, having worked in luxury retail, banking and also pharmacy. He decided to work in the field of hormonal optimisation after his own experience with his low testosterone levels and symptoms.

I was tired all the time, and lacked drive and energy. I was fortunate to be working at Balance My Hormones at the time where the doctors could assess me and help me understand what normal testosterone levels are. I was wondering why I had all these symptoms including lethargy and anxiety and I was reassured by the doctors and the Balance My Hormones support team. Before commencing any treatment I was able to speak to a case manager and have a consultation with the doctor. I had multiple blood tests done and it was discovered that I did in fact have low testosterone. As I was initially needle phobic, the doctor suggested that I try scrotal Testosterone cream which made a big difference.

I considered the alternative of doing nothing and carrying on for many years in my current state but found the idea exhausting. The optimal alternative was to take action and do something about it, so I decided testosterone replacement therapy was the best thing for me. I’m glad I had the courage to choose treatment, because it improved so many areas of my life. Among other things, I felt less anxious, more focused and a lot more confident.


Testosterone replacement therapy has been life changing for me

I have spent a lifetime loving sports, from my early days at school playing the usual football, rugby, tennis to running middle distance and cross country to a reasonable standard. When I left school I really got into weight training around the age of 19. I can safely say ‘I really got bitten by the bug’ and have continued working-out to this day:I am now 56 (unfortunately). In the last 12-15 years I have also become a keen swimmer, much thanks to my wife who encouraged me and persuaded me of the benefits. I also like to get out on my road bike with my pals and ride around the towns and villages of Warwickshire. Great low impact cardiovascular exercise.

So, why did I end up on testosterone replacement? I hear you ask. Well, up until my mid to late 40’s I still had lots of energy. I felt strong, fit and I never struggled slipping into my jeans, which were the same size they always had been. However, around this time there was a noticeable decline in my energy and I often felt ‘flat’. If I sat down for a cup of tea at 5 in the evening I was lucky if I stayed awake to finish it. If I wanted to watch a Sunday afternoon game of football on the TV, I would generally be asleep before half time!

And, worst of all I found it really difficult to keep my weight down, particularly around the middle. No amount of swimming, running or cycling seemed to help, my tummy was only going one way and that was out! I hated that I started to feel old and just a bit spent. It annoyed me greatly.

It was whilst bemoaning my lot to an old friend that I first heard about testosterone replacement therapy. He studied chemistry and sciences at university and although never having worked in medicine he was aware of the benefits of testosterone and importantly the numerous effects of having a low testosterone count. Also, unbeknowingly to me, he had been on testosterone replacement therapy for a couple of years. This conversation was all the spark I needed. I spent probably the best part of the next week researching various companies and private physicians, looking for the right fit. Balance My Hormones ticked all the boxes for me so I decided to contact them.

Well, after about 2 years I can honestly say (and they aren’t paying or coercing me to say this) that testosterone replacement therapy has been life changing for me. Perhaps it was because my T levels were so low, I don’t know, but I feel like a different bloke. My energy levels are back to what they used to be, I feel stronger and fitter, notwithstanding leaner. I was able to loose that persistent weight on my tummy in a matter of a couple of months. I feel much stronger in the gym and I feel I recover much better. I feel better now at 56 than I did in my late 40’s.

However, all this pales into insignificance to the change it has made to me mentally. The best way I can describe it is that I feel like me again. It’s as if someone took my glasses off and cleaned the lenses whilst I had not realised that I’d been viewing the world through a fog.

I guess the decline is so slow and incipient that you don’t notice how bad things have got until you start taking testosterone and notice the difference. It was and is without question the best thing I could have done.

I urge anyone who feels not quite themselves or if you’ve lost that spark, to get your testosterone levels checked : what have you got to loose?

I hope this helps and encourages you.


It’s been a life changing investment…

I agree for you to use the following My story began in search of TRT when I initially experimented with anabolic steroids for bodybuilding purposes aged 18 all the way up until age 20. I unfortunately never recovered my own natural testosterone levels, and made countless visits to a variety of different endocrinologists without any treatment when clearly my testosterone levels were low, but the NHS were not willing to do anything to treat my low T condition. Years and years upon trying now aged 24.

I finally came across Mike at and everything I was looking for was right here the service is smooth and hassle free Mike is extremely knowledgeable and has first-hand experience with low T so understands everything, and you have a doctor monitoring you should you have any issues. It’s been a few weeks since I have started the treatment and I can truly say I have felt such a difference and feel more upbeat and energetic and my libido is finally improving. Everything done at balance my hormones is done with your health as the main focus and priority. I can honestly say hand on heart, it’s been a life changing investment.


I’ve made more progress with my physique in the past 8 months…

I’ve made more progress with my physique in the past 8 months than I had made in the previous 6 years combined! I haven’t transformed into Mr. Olympia (and I’ve never expected to), just a much better version of myself. The previous 6 years of training resulted in what most guys with healthy hormones can accomplish in 6 months. I lost a fair amount of fat and gained a decent amount of muscle. On the bright side, having low T forced me to learn everything I could about bodybuilding and nutrition just to make very minor progress. Now, I’m like a newbie in that I’m primed for my initial gains. Only I have more than a decade of experience and wisdom to actually put my body’s readiness to grow to good use! When bulking pre-testosterone, I would gain much more fat than muscle.

My strength on core lifts would often increase at a slower rate than my body weight. On TRT, I’m able to add significant strength and muscle mass while gaining a proportionally smaller amount of fat. I even continued to increase my strength for a while, despite running at a caloric deficit and losing body weight. Finally, everything is working like it’s supposed to! Nothing is coming easy and I’m not superman by any means. I feel like I’ve gained muscle while simultaneously loosing body fat in less than a year. Right now, I’m monitoring my nutrition intake, hitting the gym 3 days a week, and using every strategy I’ve learned over the past 11 years to make the best of my body. I still have to eat a caloric surplus and train hard to gain muscle. I still eat well every day to lose body fat. I’m just so happy that I’m able to make progress. It’s like I’ve been running with a parachute strapped to my back for my entire life and now the rope has been cut. I feel amazing and I’m positive that Balance My hormones will do all they can to keep me within the levels and ranges for me to live a healthy and balance life. By no means I think this is a miracle drug but it has improved my life ten folds.


The service is very easy to use…

I am a 27 year old male with health problems due to low testosterone I tried for many months everything from diet, exercise and proper sleep to recover my levels and to restore my energy. Even though I had a low normal reading of total testosterone, but a very low level of free testosterone on numerous morning blood tests, unfortunately It wasn’t enough for my best heath.

I went to multiple doctors just to be told that I am in normal ranges and that there is nothing wrong with me and I am just depressed. The endocrine system is a very complex one and you have to keep in mind that what applies to a person does not apply to somebody else.It is important to read everything you can and try to get your life back, in other words, be your own doctor. TRT is also a fairly complex treatment, depending on the patient, but with the help of Mike and the doctor at Balance my Hormones you will be closely monitored and offered advice along the way.

The service is very easy to use, and in my case, it was really a life saver. I cannot even imagine living as I used to live a few weeks ago. Testosterone deficiency or any other kind of hormonal imbalance has to be treated as any other medical condition. Thanks,


I would happily recommend your services to anyone suitable…

Your service and follow up has been exemplary, so much so I have recommended your services to my brother. I would happily recommend your services to anyone suitable. I certainly have a lot more energy and my brain doesn’t seem quite as “foggy”.


Over the moon with the service received…

I am over the moon with the service I have received from Mike, Daisy, Lauren and the rest of the fantastic team at BMH. They have really taken care of me and my testosterone replacement therapy over the last year. As a previous NHS patient for my testosterone replacement therapy, the difference is worlds apart switching over to BMH, where every single detail is genuinely looked after and taken care of. I have now started a testosterone cream which I couldn’t be more happier with and I look forward to growing my relationship with the team and continuing my treatment into the future.

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With Balance My Hormones.

Evidence based
research backed
hormone optimization

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Balance My Hormones helps men and women restore their hormones to optimal levels through bespoke TRT and HRT treatment plans. We use modern American treatment methods and have over 25 years of experience in hormonal health which is backed up by our very own GPhC pharmacy.

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